We provide nutritional services to a vase range of clinics within the Choctaw Health Center and community.
Our Services
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Provide nutrition education to patients and administer medical nutrition therapy as part of the health care team at CHC Diabetes Clinic, ER, and Inpatient. We also receive outside referrals including GI Clinics.
Women's Wellness Clinic
Provide nutrition education to mothers, gestational diabetes, and postpartum. We have a Certified Lactation Counselor as a part of CHC Nutrition staff. We also receive WIC referrals and complete assessments for qualifying clients.
Primary Care
Provide education to infants, children and adults on various health issues, such as obesity, HTN, wound care, and daycareAleadstart physicals.
Outreach / Community
- National Nutrition Month Events
- Taste testing, nutritional awareness to public via social media
- Quarterly Cooking Demonstrations
- Lunch & Learn Activities
- WWC Prenatal Classes - Nutrition Component
- Physicals for Headstart/Daycare Screenings in each community