Patient Advocate


At Choctaw Health Center, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional care and ensuring patient contentment. Our primary objective is to ensure that our patients experience the highest level of satisfaction during their hospitalization. It is our aim that you choose to return when in need of our services and confidently recommend us to others. We greatly value your feedback and encourage you to actively participate in addressing any issues related to the healthcare services received while at the hospital. Your input enables us to continually enhance our services by identifying and addressing any deficiencies highlighted by our patients. Your well-being and satisfaction are of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to providing you with convenience, comfort, respect, and, most importantly, competent medical care.


We have implemented a Community-Patient Relations Specialist to address patient complaints, compliments. and grievances without compromising future access to care. Our hospital staff is committed to providing compassionate care, and all complaints will be handled professionally and confidentially.


1. Who can I talk to first about my complaint?

You are encouraged to communicate with the nurse or supervisor for a visitation. It is imperative that you provide a detailed account of your complaint, enabling them to grasp fully the various factors contributing to the issue at hand. In the event that an immediate resolution is not possible. your case will be escalated to the Community-Patient Relations Specialist for a thorough investigation.

2. How can you accept my complaint?

The complaint must be formally submitted in writing, through email, mail or delivered in person. It is essential to include the date of the incident, time, department involved, details of the incident, names of the individuals involved, phone number. email address, and home address. Furthermore. the submission should be finalized with your signature.

3. How long do I have to submit a complaint?

Patients with a complaint or grievance which cannot by resolved by the staff present must report it within 24 to 72 hours.

4. How long will the investigation take?

All grievances should be resolved within seven to ten business days. A certified letter with the final resolution will he sent to your address on file.

5. What is the process?

All formal grievances will be reviewed, investigated, and resolved within a reasonable period according to the nature of grievance.

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