

(601) 389-4265

24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Choctaw Health Center employees, patients contractors & vendors may use this hotline to report questions or concerns about confidentiality; potential fraud, waste, abuse: or mismanagement related to Choctaw Health Center or Hs contractors and vendors.


Choctaw Health Center provides a method for reporting concerns and access to "The Compliance Hotline", a confidential/anonymous way for you to report known or suspected improper conduct. However, if you report anonymously, please provide as much detail as possible in your message, just in case we need more information to investigate a potential issue.


1. What is the hotline?

Report suspected concerns or known violations. You may leave a voice mail to report such matters to the Hotline using your name if you prefer, otherwise the call is not traceable. If you choose to leave your name, your anonymity is protected to the absolute fullest extent possible. The concern will be logged and followed up activity/investigation will occur.

2. How can I report the incident?

You may call the hotline, send an email, or go online at the link below to report the incident.
Phone: (601) 663-7994
Email: [email protected]
Suspected Fraud or Abuse in connection with Federal health car programs may be confidentially reported to HHS-OIG Fraud Hotline: 1 (800) 447-8477

3. What can I report about?

This hotline is not a complaint hotline. Only matters involving compliance, conflicts of interest, privacy, unethical or fraudulent behavior will be investigated. Please file complaints with Choctaw Health Center's Community-Patient Relations Specialist at (601) 389-4260.

4. After the investigation is complete, will I be able to find out what happened to the employee?

If your report should result in disciplinary action against an employee, contractor or vendor the details of that action will be confidential. For this reason, you may not be given specific information regarding actions that were taken.

5. I have more questions and concerns

You may contact Kristen Blair, Compliance Administrator at (601) 389-4263 or [email protected]

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